Welcome to SKEdazzles

Welcome to SKEdazzles, a lifestyle blog on travel, design, and general inspirational musings, all shared with you from my point of view.

Who am I? No one in particular, just someone who over the years has developed a love for travel, design, fashion, photography and finding my spiritual center in life. Curious about the meaning of the blog name, SKEdazzles? The first three letters are my initials, and “dazzles” was chosen after conducting a very serious and thorough poll on my Facebook page. :) So there you have it, *SKEdazzles*.

Please bear with me as I find my direction with this blog and feel free to comment on what you like and what you don’t. My goal is to share information, photography, life lessons, silly tidbits and yes, it’s fairly likely, that I will step on my soap-box once in a while. I hope you will find it interesting and I welcome your interaction on this site.

24 thoughts on “Welcome to SKEdazzles

  1. I can’t wait for posting and seeing this site develope as time goes on: It would also be nice to see your lovely quotes as well at the end of your postings: It’s a great reminder. Good Luck and I know SKEdazzels will be a hit!

  2. Susan,

    I love that your sharing your creativity with others. I can’t wait to see how you will grow and develope your blog.

  3. Hi – thank you for stopping on my blog and leaving some love. Ive followed you. I just started this whole process and haven’t found my niche yet. So I’m writing and posting about whatever strikes me. please feel free to follow me if you like. Thanks again Donna

  4. Amazing Site and Blog – The photographs are gorgeous. Keep up the great work – I look forward to it everyday.
    Tori O’Halloran
    Almaden Valley

  5. Hi!
    Thanks for dropping by and liking my post!
    I’ve started following yours as well as I find the photos fascinating.
    Thanks again!

  6. As another blogger said to me, “I want to be your friend.” I pass that along to you as you nabbed my attention at the word Serendipitous (mainly because it’s just one of those words that I love 🙂 ). Plus your photos and thoughts are wonderful.

    • Thank you so much for the kind words. That actually makes me feel good to hear that you would like to be my friend because my intention when I started this blog was not to convey everything in a perfect literary way but to speak as if I were just chatting with friends in my living room. So I’ll take that as a compliment! 🙂

  7. Hi! Thanks for liking my Two Subject Photo Challenge pic. Because of that I discovered your very excellent blog. I especially like your photo galleries, and the fact that we share the same (first two) initials. Cheers!

  8. Love your subtitle under SKEdazzles, if only it was so easy for me to think of such a great way to state my sites direction/purpose….it has encouraged me to keep trying to figure out this whole blogging world! 🙂

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